Community Transport

Harwich Connexions operates community transport services for residents of Harwich, Dovercourt, Parkeston and surrounding villages. Our demand responsive services provide travel opportunities for individual passengers including those experiencing disability, ill health, or geographic isolation. Our buses are suitable for people with mobility issues.
Groups are also welcome to use our services, as long as they are a recognised community group or bona fide not for profit organisation, including schools and youth groups.
We accept Bus Passes on our routes. Your carer can travel for free if your bus pass allows this. Contact Essex County Council to apply for a bus pass via this LINK.
Harwich Connexions provides a much needed and very reliable service to local residents, I am acutely aware as the County Councillor for the Harwich Division how valuable this daily service is to all who use it Ivan Henderson
"I would be lost without this service"
''Keeps me independent"
"Without it, I would be housebound"
"Wonderful service"
"Enables me to get out and socialise"
Passenger survey comments
Thank you to the wonderful Harwich Connexions team, especially for their efforts to help our communities to be more mobile.
Ramsey and Dovercourt Crusaders