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About Harwich Connexions

We deliver local services through a group of four Harwich Connexions companies:


Harwich Connexions Transport Co-operative : a not for profit company registered number: 4715958, launched in 2003 by The Right Hon Alistair Darling MP  Secretary of State for Transport. The objectives of our original company include: the provision of transport services for the local community, engaging in any business or trade directly or indirectly conducive to the interests or convenience of our members and to promote and encourage and assist in the development of other community initiatives.













Alistair Darling at the Park Pavilion, Harwich


Membership: As a community-based company, membership of Harwich Connexions Transport Co-operative Limited is open to all, including users, staff and our supporters. Full membership is available on application from individuals and organisations that support the objectives of the company, irrespective of gender, race, religion or political views.


Our Directors: drawn from the three membership categories comprise the Transport Co-operative Management Board. Regular Board meetings are held relating to governance, policy, internal financial control and the strategic direction of the Company. Our Directors are volunteers, who give their time freely to support the needs of others and are not remunerated for this governance role. The elected team of Directors is:


Richard Colley (Chairman), Dale Cheesman, Phil HartwellDebbie Hill Anna LeeDerrick OsborneAnna Rendell-Knights and Michael Wyatt.


Our expanded range of community initiatives is delivered through the following group organisations:


Harwich Connexions Community Trust: our registered charity number: 6030659 established to provide buildings, open space, facilities and grants in the Harwich area to benefit the community.


Harwich Connexions Noah's Nursery: a not for profit company registered number: 6627681 established to provide a neighbourhood day care nursery in Harwich.


Harwich Connexions Windmill Nursery: a not for profit company registered number:15439441 established to provide a neighbourhood nursery at Ramsey and wrap around care services.


Staff: The Harwich Connexions Group employs 60 staff to deliver our range of services - on the buses, in the office, at the 1912 Centre, the Enterprise Centre, at Noah's Nursery and the Windmill Nursery. It is company policy to recruit staff locally. Our staff team is vital to the success of the company and to the quality of our daily services. 


Volunteers: We are indebted to our many volunteers, particularly our volunteer drivers who give their time freely to support the needs of others in the community. Opportunities exist for volunteering within the company; with the growth in the demand for our services. We are on the lookout for additional volunteer Drivers subject to licence checks and driving training and assessment. Please contact us if you would like to help us with our work in the community.


Call us on 01255 552010 or email for enquiries.

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